Sunday, 11 January 2009


This tutorial was created on 11th November 07

It was written for those that have a workingknowlege of PSP

This tut was done in PSP X

this is how i made the tag,my ideas, my concepts, any similaritiesare purely coincidental,do not claim as your own.

You will need the following supplies:
Tube: im using the fabulous art of Jasmin Becket-Griffith
you must have a licence to use theartwork found here
Font:Black Wolf
Mask:i used Becky_Mask022ty for letting use these masks
Scrapkit:by Petit Moineauxwebsite found here
called FraicheurLilla

This tutorial is fairly easy!
Okay lets start:
1.File - New - New image
2.floodfill with whiteso we can see what we're doing raster layerfloodfill with a dark colour and apply your maskof choice and delete mask layer and merge group in the scrapkit layersfind no.11, the swirl and copy & paste itresize to taste and position where you likeduplicate and mirror then flipposition again to taste find your framehighlight your frame layer,click inside it with magic wandthen selections - modify by 5 now add new raster layer and floodfill witha colour of choice and add a texture effectselections - select nonedrag this layer below your frame add a few embellishmentsresize if neccessary
7.add your tube of choice
8.add your copyright info
9.add text of choice
there you have your finished tag
save how you would normally
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial!

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