Sunday, 11 January 2009

Sitting Pretty

Supplies needed HERE
plz don't share my supplies as i made these myself.
Fonts used: Bernard MT Condensed
Brush: Export to pspTube of choice: Im using the wonderful art of
©Carlos Cartagena you can purchase his artwork HERE
This tutorial is fairly easy

Okay lets start:
Open a New blank canvas
we can resize later
1.copy and paste the large frame provided, then get the magic wand and click inside and expand by 4,then copy n paste the paper, colourize to taste, then invertand hit delete, then selections none, making sure this layeris below the frame, then new layer and add the brush on topof the paper layer, then give the frame a drop shadow of choice then merge visible.
2.Then do all of the same in no.1 for the smaller frame, then duplicateand position as i have mine in display tag. layer and drag to bottom, then add brush where you would like it positioned.
4.copy and paste tube of choice & drop shadow of choice.
5.add the embellishments i supplied or your own.
6.add new layer and drag it to the bottom and floodfill with colour of choice,then layers - mask - choose one of choice
7.add your name and a drop shadow of choice
8.finally add your copyright info to the finished tag
merge all(flattern)
Resize if neccessary
now save your tag as you would normally save it.
there you have it..
all done..
Wasn't that easy!!
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial!!

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