Sunday, 11 January 2009

Winter Friends

This tutorial was created on 11th November 07

It was written for those that have a workingknowlege of PSP

This tut was done in PSP X

this is how i made the tag,my ideas, my concepts, any similarities
are purely coincidental,do not claim as your own.

You will need the following supplies:
Tube: im using the fabulous art ofSuzanne Woolcott
you must have a licence to use theartwork found here at AMI
Font:Bermuda Solid
Mask:i used Becky_Mask022ty for letting use these masks
Scrapkit:by Petit Moineauxwebsite found HERE
called Brise Marine

This tutorial is fairly quick & easy!

Okay lets start:
1.File - New - New image
2.floodfill with whiteso we can see what we're doing raster layer ,floodfill with a dark colour and apply your mask
of choice and delete mask layer and merge group in the scrapkit layers finda paper of choice, copy & paste itresize to taste and position where you likethen find another paper, copy & pasteand postion where you likerotate to by 25%now do this for the next two papers find your framehighlight your frame layer,click inside it with magic wand
then selections - modify by 5 copy & paste your tubeselections - invert and hit the delete keyselections - select nonedrag this layer below your frame add a few embellishments
resize if neccessary
7.add your copyright info
8.add text of choice

there you have your finished tag

save how you would normally
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial!

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