Sunday, 11 January 2009

Red Roses

this tutorial was created on 27th january 08

It was written for those that have a workingknowlege of PSP

This tut was done in PSP X

this is how i made the tag,my ideas, my concepts, any similaritiesare purely coincidental,do not claim as your own.

You will need the following supplies:
Tube: im using the fabulous art ofOlivia
you must have a licence to use the artwork found here
Fonts:Camey & Bankgothic Md Bt
Frame & fluffy cushion made by meplz do not share thesesend people to the tutorial
Roses:if these are yours plz contact meso i can credit you or take them down
Supplies Here

Okay lets start:
1.File - New - New image
600x500 all ur supplies ready
3.floodfill your new canvas with whiteso we can see what we're doing
4.get the frame and copy and paste onto the canvas
5.using ur magic wand click inside the frameselections - modify - expand by 10
6.add a new raster layer and put this layerbelow the frame and floodfill with colour of choiceadd a texture to it and then go to selections - none
7.copy and paste the fluffy cushion
8.copy and paste the large rose onto the cushion copy and paste the stem rose, duplicateand position so there top and tail(looking at my tag for reference)merge visible the two stems duplicate this layer and rotate 90% and position to the left of the frame
11.duplicate this layer and image-mirrorso you end up with one set roses at the top of theframe, and one either side
12.copy and paste my wordart
13.add your tube and position to taste
14. add ur name
15.add your copyright info
there you have it...
save how you would normally
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial

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