Sunday, 11 January 2009

Adding Noise to text

This tutorial was created on 26th October 07

It was written for beginners of PSP

This tut was done in PSP X

Supplies needed:

Font: babyblocks

This tutorial is fairly easy,i'm going to show you how i do itand any similarities arepurely coincidental

Okay lets start:
File - New - New image

1.first we need to find a fonti used babyblocks, but any chunky font will do.mine was set as font size:48 stroke width 2 and set as vector so u can stretch out if requiredi also chose foreground colour white & background colour pink

 type out ur name like mine below

3.once happy with the shape with size convert to raster in your layer pallette get your magic wand:if you dont no this i have done screen shot below

and use these settings: add shift - matchmode:RGB valuestolerence & feather both set as 0 we click inside each of the lettersof our name on the pink colour, like i havebelow

 go to Adjust - add/remove noiselike i have below

7.a box pops up, now do the same settings as i have below

8.then click ok,then click selections - nonethen i added a drop shadow by going to effectsdrop shadow and use a setting if your choiceand this is what mine looked like at this point

9.then on the box that your text is in right clickon the green bar and go to - copy
then open animation shop up and right click onblank area and paste as new animation
10.go back to psp and undo with the backbutton until u have marching ants aroundyour text again then do the same as in step 7but instead of 35 in the percentage, changethis to 40, click ok then click selections - nonethen i added a drop shadow by going to effectsdrop shadow and use a setting if your choice
then on the box that your text is in right clickon the green bar and go to - copythen back in animation shop and right click ontext you pasted in area last time and pasteafter current image
11.go back to psp and undo with the backbutton until u have marching ants aroundyour text again then do the same as in step 7but instead of 40 in the percentage, changethis to 45, click ok then click selections - nonethen i added a drop shadow by going to effectsdrop shadow and use a setting if your choicethen on the box that your text is in right clickon the green bar and go to - copythen back in animation shop and right click ontext you pasted in area last time and pasteafter current image
12.then while in animation shoplook up to the left where it says filescroll down to *save as* and save into your computer, and there you are done
if you want to see your animation before you save it then go to edit - select allthen at the top find *view* then animation
and you should see your text move like glitter
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial!!

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